Volume One

Making Teaching an Enviable Profession: New Epoch-Making Teacher Policy in China and Challenges


DOI 10.30926/ecnuroe2018010207

Making Teaching an Enviable Profession: New Epoch-Making Teacher Policy in China and Challenges

Tingzhou Li

East China Normal University

© East China Normal University & East China Normal University Press, Shanghai, China

Keywords:Teacher policy; China; new era

Corresponding Author: Tingzhou Li   tzli@niepr.ecnu.edu.cn

In early 2018, China promulgated the Opinions on Comprehensively Deepening the Reform of the Teaching Force Development in the New Era. This was a new landmark teacher policy endorsed at the highest decision-making level since the establishment of the People’s Republic of China. The policy established ambitious objectives: by 2035, it aims to increase the quality of teachers greatly, to modernize governance systems, and to make teaching an enviable profession. At the same time, it proposes a series of policy programs that include 23 policy measures.

Over the past decades, China’s education policies have valued the construction of basic educational infrastructure over the teacher development. Some reviews have noted that this new policy is a milestone in Chinese education (Zhang, 2018), and signifies a shift in the strategic focus of China’s education policy away from hardware inputs and towards the teacher development (Li, 2018). It is certain that this policy will have profound effects on the construction of the teacher resources in China, and will serve as an important authoritative reference for educational reforms, public financial investment, and the development of the teaching profession in the coming future.

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